Sunday, January 28, 2007


Hey bros,

Didn't mean to get all articulate on ya'll. See the thing is my friend Janelle came over and got me stoned! It was like college or something, feeling light headed, laughing and we ate everything in the whole house! Crazy! So I bought an ounce from her and have been smoking it pretty much all the time since then. It's really great.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

listening to the Beatles on saturday october 14th at 1:18 pm

It's now the future so we try and act the part. Sun splits the window blinds and illuminates the spare bedrooms, the less-visted spaces. American houses tend to be too big, too many nooks and crannies unused. One wonders what wonderful things one might find there. Alas, disappointment, or not, you get out what you put in. That's when he put it in. For the first time, in the hidden backrooms, where nobody might find them. Fingers and toes, tickling each inch of the body under the covers, a delightful sun shines through the window in the morning when we awake. At any moment the light can change and focus on the rare corners, illuminating memories that are mostly unseen but form the cornerstones, the surrounding structurues strengthening summer time sometimes, so right yourself, and collect the bread crumbs on the trail back out the woods, back towards the footpaths. And sidewalk-lining lamposts, their light all snatched out of thin air.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Long day, great day...

Hey everybody! Been a minute but it's a new year and there's been lots of catching up to do, you know, early to rise, catchin' the worm and all that. Speaking of catchin' the worm, that's all I did today! My supervisor at work quit, which is okay I guess because he's my boss so fuck him but at the same time he's a nice guy and took us all out drinking today so he can't be so bad. Feeling a bit emboldened with him on his way out we set out this morning at 10 to do some HARD DRANKIN' with the girls from the finance department and UH OH, they can drink! We started with a round of shots and moved on to pitchers, tequila, vodka, there might have been some other stuff I don't rememer it got spilly sloppy and darts were' flyin all round an over the dchalk/pool board billiard hall girls tops went up across the fan and the pool light, sticks were going between things, balls bouncin' around and we even got the old boss to finish off the cuervo with us outside the bar, worm and all! Poor sap, bet he's gonna be hung over tomorrow!

Friday, January 5, 2007

Stayin' Posi

It's the new year and time for some soul searching! After waking up New Year's Day with a tit in my mouth and a bottle of tequila on my dick I had a cup of coffee and once again closed out the holiday season and started looking forward at what I was going to do from now until next New Year's. One thing I'm sure of is that I'm going to stay positive. Keeping a positive outlook on life is the most important thing, because you get used to being around it and it's, like, contagious, like the flu or pink eye or jesus. I've got some really positive people around me but also some negative bugs. I'm going to focus on stayin' posi and staying around the positive influences. People always want to drag you down to their level when you're above them. Not me, bro! Not this year!

Peace to Jerry Ford, I'm out!