Friday, December 22, 2006

Back home with the bro's

It's great to fly to my hometown every year at Christmas. I get to see the family, enjoy the holiday spirit, sip the spiked eggnog and survey my future inheritance. As great as those things are, the best is getting back together with the boys.

John, Ben, MIkey and Alex, back in the day we were the kings of this town. Tonight I got the chance to get together and we sat back with a six pack of microbrew and just reminisced all night about the good times. Man, I can hardly belive the crazy stuff we used to do, like smashing Mrs. Richardson's mailbox with Ben's Camaro, driving off and then sneaking back at 3:30 in the morning to fix it before she woke up and noticed! I tell ya, those were the days.

Going home now I feel like maybe I'm falling behind sometimes. The boys are all married except for me and John and Mikey have houses to call their own. I know that my big city life makes it harder to buy a house and that the trade-offs are totally worth it but it does make me feel like less of a man sometimes. Oh, well, after me and Shannon get hitched (if I can get her Dad to come around!) her parents will probably buy us a house as a wedding present. Man, that would be sweet!

Back to the house to watch the game! Happy holidays!


Anonymous said...

Shut up Charles you don't even like Christmas. How come your blog makes you seem like a happy person?

Alex Moronda said...

because it's all a fucking lie?